ФОТО: Мини супер хероите го освојуваат светот

Секогаш не’ воодушевуваат филмовите, стриповите и книгите за супер херои кои со својата моќ и храброст го освојуваат светот,  им помагаат на оние кои се во неволја и се борат со злото.

И во сите дела овие супер херои се претставени како високи, силни и мускулести мажи, поретко жени. Но, замислете како би изгледал светот кога би го освојувале мини херои.

Cereal boxes don't hit back: Lee leaps on to the Nesquick cereal packet, sending chocolate globes spilling out

It hits all by itself: The miniature martial artist shows his prowess with the staff as he splits a pineapple

Don't think. FEEEEEEEEL! Lee pulverises the inside of an orange with his legendary one-inch punch

Giggles: The Joker makes the most of his miniature size by playing a dastardly trick on an unsuspecting man

Wonderful toys: This model resembles the Batman villain in his 1989 incarnation as played by Jack Nicholson

Dastardly: The Joker gets to work slicing a necklace from a helpless teddy bear

Superman helps out a damsel in distress: Is the Sun like Kryptonite for the pale skinned?

A super man: The red-caped superhero acts to avoid a potentially disastrous bathroom emergency

Superman, WHY? The all-American superhero inexplicably decides to trip over a woman in her slippers

... with a bag of flour in the kitchen of the Russian modeller who is behind this series of dioramas

I didn't come to the United States to break my f***ing back: Montana shifts some miniature deals of cocaine

Watch out for the cops: Montana's buyer looks over his shoulder as he picks up the drugs shipment

Pew! Pew! An officer opens fire as the drugs customer tries to make a getaway on foot

Busted: There's no hiding from the law, even in miniature

You won't like me when I'm angry: The radioactive superhero jams a still-lit cigarette butt into a man's hand

Size is not a problem: Despite being far smaller, the Hulk smashes a man's head into his plate of spaghetti

The end: A zombie doll walks away from the shallow grave in which she's buried a still-living victim