ФОТО: Мајстор за маскирање – пронајдете го!

Кинезот Лиу  Болин е  мајсторот за маскирање, кој се крие за да привлече внимание, се враќа со нова галерија.

Now you see him, now you don't: Mr Bolin, 40, spends 10 hours painting himself for each photograph

Тој е познат и како “невидливот човек”, бидејќи тој е во сите негови уметнички дела, стои пред очи на гледачите , но тие едноставно не можат да го видат.

He claims the images are a statement about his role in China's society as even passers-by don't see him

Целта на Болин е да го фокусира вниманието на јавноста на одредени политички и социјални прашања, а тоа избрал да го изведе со исчезнување во позадината на неговите дела.

Disappearing act: No matter how complex the backdrop, he becomes virtually invisible to the naked eye

The shots, now being exhibited at Eli Klein Fine Art gallery in New York, are some of his best pieces yet

Blink and you'll miss it: Here he stands in front of a billboard in Shandong

The images have gathered critical acclaim across the world since he started in 2001

Thin air: Mr Bolin manages to blend into wood, railings, water, and many parts of a ship

The photograph of China's intriguing street art would be compelling alone - but notice Mr Bolin standing there too

Here he stands in front of people dressed entirely in red in his studio in Beijing for a piece he calls 'Red'

Mr Bolin has gone through swathes of clothes as he repeatedly smears them in paint and graffiti

In this incredible image, Mr Bolin painted even minuscule lines of text onto his face and clothes